
Competition Kakedameshi Ruleset

For many years, I have been an advocate of the use of kakedameshi (lit. “test of hanging/hooked hands”), or “sticky hands sparring,” for pressure testing neoclassical/practical karate, even writing an article for Bugeisha Issue #9 on the subject, and teaching multiple seminars on how to engage in kakedameshi. In short, kakedameshi is a symmetrical sparring method where both participants must […]

Interview with Chris Denwood

Chris Denwood is a karateka, fitness expert, researcher, and the author of “Respecting the Old, Creating the New,” and “Naihanchi (Tekki): The Seed of Shuri Karate Vol. 1.” The latter is easily the most comprehensive book on Naihanchi Shodan fundamentals that I have ever read, and I highly recommend it to anyone who practices Naihanchi kata that can be traced back […]

Announcing a Massive Martial Arts Event in 2017!

In March of 2017, our dojo will be hosting two major martial arts events, back to back! Be sure to plan ahead so you don’t miss this amazing opportunity! Click here to see the flyer for the Ryukyu Martial Arts Friendship Gasshuku! Our first ever Ryukyu Martial Arts Friendship Gasshuku was held in October of 2015, and was a great […]

Ed Sumner’s Review of the Ryukyu Martial Arts Friendship Gasshuku

The following review was submitted to me by Ed Sumner (Kyoshi, Nanadan, Goju-Ryu under the late Chinen Teruo Sensei). I have added photos, and done some minor grammatical editing. I had the opportunity to attend the Ryukyu Martial Arts Friendship Gasshuku this last weekend, hosted by Noah Legel at the Peaceful Warrior Dojo in Scottsdale, AZ.  Noah had attended our […]

Reflections on the First Ryukyu Martial Arts Friendship Gasshuku

This past weekend was our Ryukyu Martial Arts Friendship Gasshuku, which was an event I put together with the intent of getting martial artists together to learn and train in a variety of martial arts from the Ryukyu islands. The idea actually came from the Ryukyu Martial Arts Facebook Groups that were set up by Ryan Parker Sensei. There are […]

The Shodan Slump

As of the writing of this article, I have only been training for a little over 8.5 years, and I only just earned my shodan (1st degree black belt) last Summer. Even so, I’ve seen and heard of so many instances of the “shodan slump” to know that it’s real, and I feel grateful that I have managed to avoid […]

The Dangers of Secrecy

Traditional martial arts have a secrecy problem. This problem has existed for a very long time, and has likely lead to the death of countless fighting systems, and the degradation of many more. There was certainly a time where secrecy was important in martial arts–rivals and enemies discovering how you train, and what your best techniques are, would have a […]